Katora Institute of Higher Education
Katora Institute of Higher Education will be a life skills epicenter based on helping people discover and nurture their own sense of purpose through the exchange of ideas and physical aid.
[su_button url=”https://goo.gl/forms/pbPNG9HFC3T0JwvG3″ target=”blank” background=”#8CC53E” center=”no” icon=”icon: google” title=”Interest Submission Form”]Interest Submission Form[/su_button]Our Mission
It is our mission and dream to connect as many like-minded individuals together under one common goal of experiencing a “greater than moment”. A moment where you realize that your experiences and personal transformation affects others positively. Forgiving yourself of past transgressions and allowing oneself to heal by helping others and the world as a whole.
Our Vision
Our plan is to foster hope through creative solutions to a struggling workforce dealing with affordable housing and the fear of failure with so much on the line. Not to mention those dealing with fear of recidivism to homelessness, jails or institutions and in sometimes death. We have seen linear methods fall short and feel with proper guidance we could help those in need develop skills and learn valuable life lessons that can translate into a more involved workforce that works together.
We have no restrictions on race, creed or standardized intelligence, only desire and dedication and also the potential bond of the apprentice and mentor. Volunteers make this even more of a reality by getting community involved
Depression / Hopelessness / Fear / Lethargy / Apathy
Desire / Dreams / Fellowship / Hope / Inspiration
Do what you love and love what you do will reign supreme. From personal experience, we have found that maintaining motivation to accomplish many great things can be a harrowing experience and by setting smaller attainable goals and feeling those smaller wins, one can fuel inspiration and keep the excitement alive.

REVISED 7/24/2018